Landmark Cinemas Brandon — Movie Theater in Brandon

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Landmark Cinemas Brandon

Movie Theater at 1570 18th St #100, Brandon, MB R7A 5C5, Canada, Brandon, Manitoba, R7A 5C5 . Here you will find detailed information about Landmark Cinemas Brandon: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 8 reviews


1570 18th St #100, Brandon, MB R7A 5C5, Canada, Brandon, Manitoba, R7A 5C5
R7A 5C5

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About Landmark Cinemas Brandon

Landmark Cinemas Brandon is a Canadian Movie Theater based in Brandon, Manitoba. Landmark Cinemas Brandon is located at 1570 18th St #100, Brandon, MB R7A 5C5, Canada,

Please contact Landmark Cinemas Brandon using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Landmark Cinemas Brandon opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Landmark Cinemas Brandon

  • Emma
    Added 2016.10.07
    We love seeing new movies as soon as they are released, however sometimes we hear of some movies that are released for a single week or weekend showing only that would be more than exceptional to see here, and this being the ONLY theatre in Brandon, (especiallty not choosing to cater to the "gaming, nerd, and anime" crowd), forces customers to drive all the way to Winnipeg for premiers or special showings. With 12 theatres here (with some movies running FAR long past their premier date), this shouldn't be an issue.
  • Thomas
    Added 2016.09.23
    Used to go in and clean this place at night. Staff doesn't help during the day, the theaters were always disgusting the bathrooms horrible and the concession stands were gross. There would be nights I go in and all the toilets are clogged and there's puke and piss everywhere and they only give us 3 hours a night to clean the entire place!! Place isn't clean in the evenings. I suggest going early in the morning when it's still clean and actually worth going!! If going in the morning ask for fresh bag of popcorn. They leave the popcorn from the night before in the heated display to sell for the next morning! Sneak ur own snacks guys!
  • Brandon
    Added 2016.04.17
    Its fine. a typical movie theatre. But, they took away the university student deal and replaced it with the SPC deal... from my point of view, university students need a discount on movies and food items more than high school students do.
  • Alexander
    Added 2015.11.23
    My only wish, which might be more successful if it were directed at Landmark Cinemas, is that the prices of popcorn and drinks remain phenomenally high to the point that the cost to profit ratio would likely make even the most successfully of businessmen faint to the ground.
  • Logan
    Added 2015.11.16
    Our group of six was split because they're seating system is cheap and faulty as it didn't record our seats properly. The service good and the people were nice but didn't seem to understand the situation. If they don't get rid of the seating system I'm just going to watch the movies a month later for free on Kodi with not over priced food of the same quality.
  • Hannah
    Added 2015.10.08
    Aside from this small hiccup, we have zero other issues with this location. The staff is always awesome and polite! And there never seems to be a shortage of people working to meet the needs of a big blockbuster premier! Every interaction we've had has been pleasant, with every staff member always offering real butter or upsized menu items.
  • Jackson
    Added 2015.03.08
    The theater is very clean and staff is helpful and friendly. Movie choices are always up to date and quite a few good selections. Prices are a bit high as far as food is concerned. But what movie theater doesnt have high food prices? Tuesdays are good days to go get tickets. They're cheaper on Tuesday.
  • Isaac
    Added 2013.10.31
    This theatre is one of the best places to spend an evening of casual entertainment in Brandon! My husband and I return to this theatre as many times as financially possible!
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